Проблемы с телефоном: возврат денег или своя экспертиза?

Как мне вернуть деньги за телефон, который я купил за 40 тыс рублей у ИП и обменял на новый из-за проблем с наушниками и динамиком, но у нового телефона снова проблема с динамиком, а обращение в колл центр не дало результатов, и теперь мне нужно провести независимую экспертизу и написать претензию на возврат денег, но менеджер сайта говорит, что экспертизу проводят сами в своем сервисном центре, что вызывает сомнения?

| Дмитрий, Москва

Ответы юристов (1)

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 1973 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

seemingly missed. It was as if it was not performed correctly. Should I sue the dentist who did the implants? What would be the benefit of suing him? I think my dentist in Beaufort violated the standard of care in my implant placement, and that has created $10K+ in medical bills. It has caused me physical pain and emotional discomfort, so I would like him to be held accountable. What should I expect if I decide to move forward with the dental malpractice claim? What are the pros and cons of pursuing a dental malpractice case? Has anyone else been through a similar ordeal to this?

Asked by Helloitsme 10 months ago similar questions

Answer this question Sort by: Most Helpful | Most Recent | Least Recent Additional Answers (9) kreid writes: It sounds like you may have grounds to sue your local Beaufort dentist. I can imagine it might difficult for you to know where to start. An experienced dental malpractice attorney in Beaufort should be able to guide you through the process. It’s important to start with a decent attorney who has handled a case like yours in the past. Most attorneys specialize in a specific area and dental malpractice can be very complex. A dental malpractice attorney would be able to consult with your medical records and other essential documents. An additional benefit of consulting with a dental malpractice attorney is that they will be able to provide you with a rough estimate of what you can anticipate with regards to compensation. > 60 days ago Did you find this answer useful? 0 yes 0 no tfzehdir0215 writes: Hello! Thank you for your question. It sounds like you may have been the victim of dental malpractice. Dental implants are complex surgeries that require expert care and attention. I would suggest that, before you take any legal action, you get as much information as possible about dental malpractice. You could do this by talking to family and friends, as well as researching the internet. You could also ask your family physician for a referral to a competent dental malpractice attorney. The attorney could help you to determine whether or not you have a valid claim. They would also be able to represent you in court and potentially help you to win compensation for your pain and suffering. Dental malpractice cases can take months, if not years, to resolve, so it is important to be prepared for the long haul. Good luck! > 60 days ago Did you find this answer useful? 0 yes 0 no jaymiejones writes: It's important to note that before you sue the dentist in Beaufort that you should speak to your insurance company. You will want to find out if you are covered under your policy for any dental injury or infections related to dental implants. In many cases, insurance can be a great relief, especially if the amount of money involved in malpractice is large. If you do decide to sue your dentist, you will want to find an attorney who specializes in dental malpractice. Your attorney will need to prove that your dentist was negligent in your case and that his or her negligence resulted in the dental implant complication, chronic pain, infection, and expenses you've incurred as a result. With malpractice lawyers, there are only two likely outcomes: you either win your case (in which case you can expect to receive compensation according to your state's guidelines), or you don't win the case (in which case you are unlikely to receive any compensation at all). > 60 days ago Did you find this answer useful? 0 yes 0 no samantha44 writes: If you are looking to take legal action against a dentist in Beaufort, it is important to talk to an experienced dental malpractice attorney in your local area. Malpractice is a complex area of law and there are a lot of different variables that must be considered. An experienced attorney will be able to help you identify the best course of action in your case. They will be able to listen to your account of what happened, examine relevant medical documents, and field any questions you have. In terms of benefits of pursuing a dental malpractice case, victims of malpractice often receive monetary compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages incurred as a result of the malpractice. However, malpractice cases can take years to litigate and the odds are not always in the victim's favor. Good luck! > 60 days ago Did you find this answer useful? 0 yes 0 no jmichel writes: A potential benefit of pursuing a dental malpractice lawsuit is that it may make it more difficult for the dentist to repeat his or her malpractice in the future. A malpractice suit can take a long time to resolve, but the financial compensation and the improved safety standards that can come from a successful case may make it worth pursuing. On the other hand, a potential drawback of pursuing a lawsuit is that it may be quite expensive. You would need to pay out of pocket to have an attorney handle your case and other expenses such as expert witnesses, court fees, and others. Depending on the severity of your case, the costs of pursuing a malpractice suit could easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars. It’s also important to remember that you will need high-quality legal representation, particularly when pursuing dental malpractice claims. > 60 days ago Did you find this answer useful? 0 yes 0 no celesterethorn writes: A successful lawsuit against a dentist in Beaufort might involve receiving compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, loss of enjoyment of life, pain, emotional distress, disfigurement, and other damages. To determine whether or not your dentist’s actions constitute malpractice, you could seek an opinion from another dentist or a dental expert. Your claim may be more successful if you can definitively show that your dentist’s actions went far beyond the standard of care in the industry. It is very important to hire a reliable malpractice attorney in Beaufort. You will have to provide documentation of any injuries and medical bills, and your attorney will work with you to develop a strategy for suing for damages based on the nature of your injuries. A lawsuit could take some time to get resolved, so be prepared for a prolonged legal battle. Best of luck to you. > 60 days ago Did you find this answer useful? 0 yes 0 no jefferychase writes: You may have a valid reason for suing the dentist who installed your dental implants. In order to sue him or her effectively, you will need to establish that your current situation truly began with the surgery that was performed. You will also potentially need to track down other patients who had similar surgeries as you and were also affected by what is considered malpractice. I suggest that you consult with an experienced dental malpractice attorney in Beaufort. It's important to keep in mind that there's a deadline for filing a malpractice claim. It's best to talk to an attorney right away so you can know how long you have to take legal action if you decide to proceed with a lawsuit. I'm sorry to hear about what you have been going through. Best of luck to you. > 60 days ago Did you find this answer useful? 0 yes 0 no daims writes: You might want to sue your dentist in Beaufort for dental malpractice relating to your dental implants, but it is important to be aware of some of the potential risks and concerns that come with filing a lawsuit. A successful lawsuit against a dentist might involve receiving compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and emotional distress, and other damages. However, it is important to keep in mind that pursuing a legal claim can be expensive. You will need to pay for an attorney's services, various other costs such as court fees, and potentially expert witnesses, depending on the circumstances of your case. Attorneys who specialize in dental malpractice cases can be difficult to find, so you should conduct adequate research and speak to several attorneys before deciding which one to represent you. Best of luck. > 60 days ago Did you find this answer useful? 0 yes 0 no branslutters writes: A potential benefit of pursuing a dental malpractice suit is that it may help ensure that other patients do not suffer the same fate. If the Dr. in Beaufort consistently fails to follow accepted standards of care, then your lawsuit may be successful and lead to better standards of care in the future. In any event, a successful lawsuit would typically involve receiving compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other damages. To determine whether or not there are grounds for your claims, you will need to consult with a qualified dental malpractice attorney. > 60 days ago Did you find this answer useful? 0 yes 0 no

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Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 1973 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

Для решения данного вопроса Вам необходимо иметь следующие документы:

  1. Договор купли-продажи телефона между Вами и ИП, подтверждающий факт покупки телефона за 40 тыс. рублей;

  2. Гарантийный талон на первый телефон, подтверждающий, что наушники не работают и есть проблемы с динамиком;

  3. Документы, подтверждающие факт обмена телефона на новый, в том числе гарантийный талон на новый телефон;

  4. Вся корреспонденция (электронные письма, чаты, записи переговоров), связанные с обращением в колл-центр и получением ответов от менеджера на сайте.

С учётом предоставленной информации рекомендую обратиться к продавцу с требованием устранить дефекты телефона или вернуть деньги и предъявить претензию на основании расхождений между обещаниями продавца (обмен, наушники, гарантия) и действительностью. Если продавец настаивает на проведении экспертизы в своём сервисном центре, необходимо настоять на проведении независимой экспертизы. В случае отказа от устранения дефектов и возврата денег, возможно потребуется обратиться в суд.

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 1973 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

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