Get Legal Advice for Bitcoin Payment Issues and Recover Payments - Save on Additional Expenses

Как мне получить правовые консультации относительно проблемы оплаты в Bitcoin, если я не получал платежи с 2019 года и хочу узнать, как их восстановить, избегая дополнительных расходов?

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Ответы юристов (1)

Казаков Валентин
Казаков Валентин Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2128 дня
Ответов: 2698 Рейтинг: 8

To recover your unpaid Bitcoin payment from online companies, you should first gather all the relevant evidence related to the transactions, such as email correspondence, invoices, and proof of delivery of goods or services. It is advisable to consult with a lawyer who specializes in cryptocurrency and technology law to assist you with the legal process. In Russia, the applicable legal framework includes the Civil Code and the Law on Digital Financial Assets. These laws govern the use of cryptocurrencies and provide avenues for legal action in case of non-payment or disputes.

In order to recover your payment, you may consider the following steps:
1. Send a formal demand letter to the online companies, stating your claim and requesting payment within a specified period.
2. If the companies fail to respond or refuse to pay, you can file a lawsuit against them. Your lawyer will help you draft a complaint and gather all the necessary documents and evidence.
3. The court proceedings will involve presenting your case, including providing evidence of the agreement, the non-payment, and the damages suffered as a result. The court will then make a decision based on the relevant laws and evidence presented.
4. If the court rules in your favor, it can order the companies to pay the outstanding amount, plus any additional damages or legal fees incurred. However, enforcing the court's decision and recovering the payment may require further legal measures, such as asset seizure or bank account freezes.

Please note that this response is general in nature and should not be considered legal advice. It is recommended to consult with a qualified attorney who can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances and applicable laws.

Казаков Валентин
Казаков Валентин Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2128 дня
Ответов: 2698 Рейтинг: 8

To resolve the Bitcoin payment issue, you may need the following documents:
1. Copies of invoices or payment requests sent to the online companies.
2. Copies of any agreements, contracts, or terms of service that outline the payment terms and obligations of the parties involved.
3. Copies of any correspondence, such as emails or messages, related to the payment issue.
4. Proof of delivery of goods or services, such as signed delivery receipts or confirmation of services rendered.
5. Any other relevant documents that support your claim and provide evidence of the unpaid Bitcoin payment.

Казаков Валентин
Казаков Валентин Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2128 дня
Ответов: 2698 Рейтинг: 8

The following articles of the Russian legislation can be applicable to the Bitcoin payment issue:
1. Article 307.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which recognizes digital financial assets, including cryptocurrencies, as property.
2. Article 451-452 of the Civil Code, which establish the rules for the performance of obligations, including payment obligations.
3. The Law on Digital Financial Assets, which provides a legal framework for the circulation and use of cryptocurrencies in Russia.
It is important to consult with a lawyer to determine the specific application of these articles and any other relevant laws to your case.

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Услуги юристов

Специалисты, предлагающие услугу, могут:

  • проверить законность реализации недвижимости;
  • убедиться в адекватности выставленной цены;
  • помочь в аудите госреестров.

Услугу можно заказать в следующих случаях:

  • передача прав произошла без ведома всех собственников;
  • право собственности недействительно из-за ошибки в документах;
  • в сделке по передаче прав был мошеннический подтекст.

Услуга может помочь в следующих случаях:

  • если долг вымогают после окончания срока исковой давности;
  • угрожают физическим вредом;
  • если на коллекторскую компанию нужно подать иск в суд.

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