What to Do When Your Russian Student Visa Is Canceled During the Program?

I'm currently an international student studying in my fourth year in Russia, with a graduation date in 2023. Recently, I took a short trip to Istanbul for six days and returned to Russia in April 2022. Upon my return, I visited my dean of international students, who informed me that I needed to pay my school fees. I promptly paid the fees. However, my dean then realized that my immigration card was not submitted, and it has been more than three months since I returned to Russia. He informed me that my visa has been canceled by the immigration authorities and advised me to return to my home country so that a new invitation letter could be sent to me. However, obtaining a new invitation letter might take over a month, and this unexpected travel would disrupt my plans as I only have six months left to complete my program. I'm unsure how to proceed in this situation.

| Гость, Москва
Категория: Без категории

Ответы юристов (1)

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2128 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

I understand that you are currently facing a challenging situation regarding the cancellation of your Russian student visa. As a specialized lawyer in Russian legislation, I can provide you with some guidance. Firstly, it is important to note that the immigration authorities have the power to cancel a visa if certain requirements are not met, such as the submission of the immigration card within the required timeframe. In your case, since the immigration card was not submitted within three months of your return, your visa has been canceled. To resolve this issue, your dean has suggested that you return to your home country so that a new invitation letter can be sent to you. However, given the time constraints and the importance of completing your program, it is understandable that this option is not viable for you. In this situation, I would recommend seeking assistance from a qualified immigration lawyer who can help you explore alternative solutions. It may be possible to expedite the process of obtaining a new invitation letter or to request an extension based on extenuating circumstances. Additionally, it is crucial to gather all relevant documents, such as your passport, student ID, proof of payment of school fees, and any other supporting documentation that can demonstrate your commitment to your studies and your intention to comply with the visa requirements. With these documents, an immigration lawyer will be able to provide you with further advice and assistance tailored to your specific case.

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2128 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

To resolve the issue of your canceled student visa and obtain a new invitation letter, you will need to gather the following documents:
- Passport
- Student ID
- Proof of payment of school fees
- Immigration card (if available)
- Any other relevant supporting documentation

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2128 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

The applicable article of Russian legislation for resolving the issue of a canceled student visa and obtaining a new invitation letter would be Article 25 of the Federal Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation.

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