Tax implications of selling an apartment in Russia and staying in Georgia for more than 183 days

I have been living in my apartment in Russia for over 6 years, but now I am planning to sell it. I am currently staying in Georgia, and I have been here for more than 183 days. Will I be required to pay taxes on the income from selling my apartment in Georgia?

| Константин, Москва
Категория: Без категории

Ответы юристов (1)

Казаков Валентин
Казаков Валентин Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 1970 дня
Ответов: 2698 Рейтинг: 8

As a lawyer specializing in Russian legislation, I can provide you with the following information. The taxation of income from the sale of an apartment depends on the tax laws of the country where the property is located. In this case, since you are selling your apartment in Russia, the tax implications will be governed by Russian tax laws. It is important to note that tax laws may differ between countries, so it is necessary to consult an expert in Georgian tax legislation to determine if there are any tax obligations in Georgia related to the income from selling your apartment in Russia. However, generally speaking, it is unlikely that you will be subject to taxation in Georgia for the sale of a property located in another country.

Казаков Валентин
Казаков Валентин Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 1970 дня
Ответов: 2698 Рейтинг: 8

To determine the tax obligations related to the sale of your apartment in Russia, you will need the following documents: 1. Sales contract or agreement for the apartment 2. Proof of ownership of the apartment 3. Documentation related to the purchase and acquisition of the apartment 4. Any other relevant financial or legal documents related to the sale

Казаков Валентин
Казаков Валентин Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 1970 дня
Ответов: 2698 Рейтинг: 8

The relevant articles of Russian tax legislation that may be applicable in this situation are as follows: 1. Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - Taxation of income from the sale of real estate 2. Article 225 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - Exemptions from taxation on income from the sale of residential property 3. Article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - Determination of taxable income from the sale of property

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