ORBI Group: как они могут быть полезны для вас?

Какую связь я могу иметь с ORBI Group и почему это вызывает мой интерес или беспокойство?

| Гость, Москва
Категория: Без категории

Ответы юристов (1)

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2128 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

ORBI Group is a real estate development company that operates in Russia. As a lawyer specializing in Russian legislation, I can provide information regarding the legal aspects related to ORBI Group. However, without specific details or context, it is difficult to provide a precise answer. ORBI Group may be involved in various legal matters, such as property transactions, construction permits, zoning regulations, or compliance with real estate laws. To provide a comprehensive and detailed response, please provide more specific information about the nature of your query regarding ORBI Group.

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2128 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

To properly address the question, the following documents may be required:
1. Information related to ORBI Group, such as their incorporation documents, certificates, or permits.
2. Relevant contracts or agreements involving ORBI Group.
3. Any specific legal issues or disputes that are related to ORBI Group.
4. Applicable laws and regulations related to real estate and property development in Russia.

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2128 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

The specific articles of the law that may be relevant to address the question related to ORBI Group will depend on the nature of the issue. However, some applicable laws in the context of real estate and property development in Russia include:
1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, particularly the sections on property rights and contracts.
2. Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, which governs urban planning, construction permits, and zoning regulations.
3. Land Code of the Russian Federation, which addresses land use and ownership.
4. Federal Law on Real Estate Development, which regulates the activities of real estate developers in Russia.
5. Other specific laws and regulations that may apply depending on the circumstances and specific legal issues regarding ORBI Group.

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  • наследство не было принято одним из наследников;
  • не было оставлено завещания или его признали недействительным;
  • появилось несколько наследников, претендующих на одну вещь.

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  • жилое помещение, предоставленное по решению суда;
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  • если долг вымогают после окончания срока исковой давности;
  • угрожают физическим вредом;
  • если на коллекторскую компанию нужно подать иск в суд.

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