Liability for Driving Under the Influence in Russia

I have a problem - my father's driving license is being suspended for 1 year and 6 months because he was driving under the influence. He refused to go for a test and signed a refusal. In fact, he came home after a day, had 0.5 beers, and went to sleep. After a while, he was woken up and needed to go somewhere nearby. He got into the car and drove. He was stopped, but they didn't even offer him a breathalyzer. My eyes were red because I had been awake for a day, and his eyes are usually red. They offered him to go for a test, but he got confused and didn't go. I regret it a lot. The court is tomorrow. Is it possible to avoid losing his license and just pay a fine?

| Гость, Москва

Ответы юристов (1)

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2133 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

Based on the information provided, driving under the influence is a serious offense in Russia. The fact that your father refused to take a test and signed a refusal may have negative consequences in court. In order to avoid losing his driving license, it is important to present a strong defense and provide evidence to support his version of events. It is advisable to consult with a qualified lawyer who specializes in traffic offenses to ensure the best possible outcome in court.

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2133 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

For the resolution of this issue, the following documents may be required: 1. Police report or protocol of the incident. 2. Medical documents or statements indicating the absence of alcohol intoxication. 3. Witness testimonies, if available. 4. Any other relevant documents or evidence to support the defense.

Лихачёв Василий
Лихачёв Василий Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2133 дня
Ответов: 7923 Рейтинг: 9.64

Articles 12.8, 12.26, and 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation are applicable in this case.

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