Офицер запаса с семьей в условиях частичной мобилизации: отсрочка и двое детей до 8 лет

So, let me rephrase the question. If I am a reserve officer and have never served, I have two children under 8 years old, and my wife is pregnant. If there is a partial mobilization, will I get a deferment?

| Гость, Москва
Категория: Без категории

Ответы юристов (1)

Артемьев Ярослав
Артемьев Ярослав Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2136 дня
Ответов: 5193 Рейтинг: 10

According to the Russian legislation, in the case of a partial mobilization, a reserve officer who has never served before may be eligible for deferment. The deferment is granted based on the individual circumstances and the needs of the military. However, it is important to note that the final decision is made by the military authorities and can vary in different cases. In your situation, having two children under 8 years old and a pregnant wife, it is possible to apply for a deferment, but it is advised to consult with a legal professional or military authorities for specific guidance.

Артемьев Ярослав
Артемьев Ярослав Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2136 дня
Ответов: 5193 Рейтинг: 10

To apply for a deferment during a partial mobilization, you may be required to provide the following documents: 1. A written application requesting deferment, stating the reasons and providing supporting documents such as birth certificates of your children and medical certificates regarding your wife's pregnancy. 2. Copies of your military service records, if available. 3. Any other documents requested by the military authorities or specified in the mobilization orders.

Артемьев Ярослав
Артемьев Ярослав Юрист,
Москва На сайте: 2136 дня
Ответов: 5193 Рейтинг: 10

The relevant articles of the Russian legislation regarding deferment during partial mobilization include: - Article 44 of the Law 'On Military Duty and Military Service,' which regulates the grounds for deferment and the conditions under which it can be granted. - Article 56 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 'On the State Service in the Russian Federation,' which provides additional provisions for reserve officers and their rights during mobilization. - Annex 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 'On the Partial Mobilization,' which specifies the procedures and requirements for deferment during partial mobilization.

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