hi my name is Lars-Erik Holmgren and I live in Sweden. I hope I can get help from you. my girlfriend lives in Russia and she has taken a loan from https://bistrodengi.ru/online/ and to help her father because he is bad and of course I try to help her as much as I can here from me. and it went easier 3 months ago and then my father passed away and now I wait for the inheritance after him and so I can pay her loan and I was told from her that those she borrows money from have sent collectors on her and hota hon. and I'm scared to death that she's going to hurt her and I're trying to raise money for her every month so she can pay off her loan. and those where she has taken sms loans are not allowed to tell me anything and I have tried to call them collectors but they do not answer me when I call them but if you get the number to those collectors +79196625652 you can talk to them and they let my girlfriend be and not threaten or scare her more and is it so then they can contact me instead of her and my number is +460764243812 and I have talked to them at the bank where she took sms loan and I have offered them that they can write the loan on me and so I can pay it back to them and they delete her name and write it on me instead and so I can pay it to her and I talk to my bank here and they have approved that they were allowed to withdraw money from my account every month to make sure the loan is paid off. and the collectors have twisted her down in the basement and threatened her there and then they say if she does not pay they will come again and threaten her. and I do not know if you can talk to them and ask them if they can make them write the loan on me instead. and I will pay her lawyer cost because I am so worried about her all the time and she must not let anything happen to her. hope you can help me with this greetings Lars-Erik Holmgren

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